VENV = /tmp/venv help: @echo 'Usage: make [target]' @echo @echo 'make venv Create virtual Python environment.' @echo 'make checks Perform linter and format checks.' @echo 'make run Run this project.' @echo 'make txt Run the project and record output in out.txt.' @echo 'make retxt Reinitialise the project and record output in out.txt.' @echo 'make clean Clean up current working directory.' venv: rm -rf $(VENV)/ python3 -m venv $(VENV)/ $(VENV)/bin/pip3 install sqlalchemy ruff mypy checks: $(VENV)/bin/ruff check $(VENV)/bin/ruff format --diff $(VENV)/bin/mypy . run: rm -f library.db $(VENV)/bin/python3 txt: rm -f library.db $(VENV)/bin/python3 > tmp.txt sed 's/[[:space:]]*$$//' tmp.txt > out.txt rm tmp.txt cat out.txt sqlite3 -echo -table library.db "select * from person" > sql.txt sqlite3 -echo -table library.db "select * from book" >> sql.txt cat sql.txt retxt: venv checks txt clean: rm -rf .mypy_cache/ .ruff_cache/